Terms and conditions
The Recovery Education Center was founded by META Services, Inc. in October 2000 as part of a process of redefinition of its purpose and programs. In 2000, META Services, (now Recovery Innovations, Inc.), a behavioral health company serving Maricopa County since 1990, adopted a new mission: “to create opportunities and environments that empower people to recovery from psychiatric symptoms and addiction, succeed in accomplish their goals, and reconnect to themselves, others and meaning and purpose in life.” The vision was one of transforming the way mental health services were delivered. Education, in the new paradigm of recovery, was seen as the primary method for moving the mission forward.
Recovery Education is a paradigm shift that offers an approach to wellness inherently different from traditional treatment. It is process initiated and carried out by each person. It offers a way for people to take control of their life, to move beyond the consequences of their mental illness and the effects of stigma and discrimination. The preferred method of encouraging and supporting this change is through an educational process available to those who are interested in recovery, their supporters, and staff and care givers.
In the context of recovery, the role of the person is significantly expanded beyond that of waiting to be cared for to that of learning how to take charge his or her own healing process. Each person is seen as the key informant in his or her quest for wellness. The focus is on each person’s inherent strengths, abilities, and capacity to learn new skills for living and for developing personal growth, mutuality, and recovery.
RI International, through RI Consulting and Training, the Consulting and Education arm of the company, offers a wide array of classes, workshops and webinars that are grounded in our philosophy of Recovery Education.
https://riinternational.com/about/ RI International (a d.b.a. for Recovery Innovations) is a global organization with more than 50 programs located throughout the United States and abroad. We continuously work to strengthen our position as the worldwide leader of mental health and substance use crisis service design delivery as well peer delivered care.
https://fivelanescrisis.com/who-we-are/ Five Lanes Crisis Partners is a collaboration of organizations that offer services in the five lanes of services which are Crisis Call Hub, Mobile Teams, Crisis Receiving Facilities, Software Systems, and Consulting Training with Peer-Power infused throughout all we do. Our companies and programs are RI International, Behavioral Health Link, #CrisisTalk, Crisis Now Academy, Moving America’s Soul on Suicide, and Hope Inc Stories.
RI Consulting and Training (RIC) reserves the right to amend, add, or delete classes, programs, policies, tuition and/or facilities without prior notice. The RIC also reserves the right to cancel or delay the start of scheduled classes due to insufficient numbers of students. Catalogs and bulletins of this institution are usually prepared for the purpose of furnishing prospective students and other interested persons with information about the institution. Announcements contained in such printed material are subject to change without notice and may not be regarded in the same nature of binding obligations.
2701 North 16th Street #106 Phoenix AZ 85006 Phone: (602) 650-1212 RIConsulting.PET@riinternational.com
The RIC is available by phone or email Monday through Friday, except for nationally recognized holidays, from 8 am to 5 pm AZ time. All communication will be returned within 24 hours.
VIRTUAL-LIVE: Students attending a Virtual-Live training will have homework, readings, discussion boards and quizzes/tests in our online Learning Management System (LMS) Canvas. There are also live classes conducted via one of our video conferencing platforms (Zoom or Teams; your instructor will give you access information once registration is completed). Students will be required to complete the LMS work and attend all video classes to receive credit for the training.
**LIVE, IN-PERSON: ** Students attending a live, in-person training will meet at a designated conference hall. Students will meet with the instructor face-to-face in a group setting for the allotted time of the training. Students will register in our online LMS and may be required to use the LMS to complete homework and quizzes/test.
The enrollment form can be completed and submitted for consideration for admission to RIC. The registration office is open daily during posted hours. Admission criteria are dependent on the requirements of each student’s funding source and vary by program; please see each class/program description for further detail. All registrations are processed through our online catalog.
Tuition Price, included in the descriptions of each course starting on page 12, includes all training materials needed for class (this does not include computers or other electronic devices, internet connection or any other course technological requirements.
Program Non-certificate workshops vary by subject content, speaker appearances and CEU credits; contact our administrative staff for further information: RIConsulting.PET@riinternational.com The RIC, nor any of its programs and divisions, is responsible for the acquisition, maintenance or troubleshooting student technology or personal computer programs/systems.
Self-pay (people selecting invoice for payment) will have their certrificates, provided by Recovery Innovations, held until payment is received.
**Tuition may vary according to contractual agreements with funding organizations and may depend on eligibility criteria.
Prospective students may apply for tuition assistance for Peer Employment Training and other RIC classes through various tuition assistance programs. To find out more about these programs, contact our administrative staff for further information: RIConsulting.PET@riinternational.com
Registrations may be cancelled by contacting us at RIConsulting.PET@riinternational.com
An applicant denied admission by the school is entitled to a refund of all monies paid. If the applicant utilizes a funding entity other than themselves, refunds are distributed to that funding entity. If the applicant pays through our on-line portal, refunds will be distributed through that portal.
Three-Day Cancellation: An applicant who provides written notice of cancellation within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and federal and state holidays) of signing an enrollment agreement is entitled to a refund of all monies paid. No later than 30 days of receiving the notice of cancellation, the school shall provide the 100% refund.
Other Cancellations: An applicant requesting cancellation more than three days after signing an enrollment agreement and making an initial payment, but prior to entering the school, is entitled to a refund of all monies paid. Refunds will be issued within 30 days of the date of student notification, or date of school determination (withdrawn due to absences or other criteria as specified in the school catalog), or in the case of a student not returning from an authorized Leave of Absence (LOA), within 30 days of the date the student was scheduled to return from the LOA and did not return.
The RI Consulting team utilizes a blend of synchronous and asynchronous teaching modalities. Students are required to attend classes and participate in group and individual activities as well as role-play. Attendance and participation in discussion and role-play are an integral part of the students’ development of competent communication skills.
For the online training, each participant must have the following:
- access to a computer with dedicated internet access (WiFi or Ethernet);
- a webcam (internal or external)
- a microphone and speakers (internal or external); all in good working order.
Participants are required to use their webcams and be always present during the training to successfully complete the course. Use of cell phones and tablets will not afford the individual the ability to see the presentation or the class chat; therefore, a computer must be used.
The RIC is compliant with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Public Law (Pub.L.) 115-407, Section 103.
Equal Opportunity. The RIC is fully committed to equal opportunity in employment decisions and education programs and activities, in compliance with all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability. All students must be at least 18 years of age.
Attendance. The learning environment is an important part of each class, so attendance is critical to completing the course work successfully. If attendance requirements are not met, students will be asked to drop the class and take it over at a time when their attendance can be maintained. To satisfactorily complete the program, students must attend 80% of their classes unless the administrative team approves an alternative attendance plan. Make-up work is at the discretion of each instructor. See “Leave of Absence” below for more information.
Materials in Prevalent Languages: As of August 2022, RI International offers course materials in English only. The RI Oversight Committee is currently reviewing demographic data to explore production of our materials in identified prevalent languages. Leave of Absence. In the event of special circumstances, a student may be allowed to interrupt their training with a leave of absence (LOA) which will be granted for the following reasons: Military training, extended illness, or extreme hardship. While we understand that some requests may be emergent, we request that students try to give the instructor two days of notice before the LOA start date. Students are required to submit their request in writing to the instructor with the following information: Specific reason for the leave, and date of start and return from leave. The instructor will inform the student of the status of their LOA within 24 hours of the request.
Student Conduct: Students are expected to conduct themselves honorably, being always respectful of others. If a student’s conduct becomes unsatisfactory and is interfering with their own and others’ ability to benefit from classes, a written plan of correction will be agreed upon and signed by the student. If a student needs leave time to attend to issues that are contributing to unsatisfactory conduct, it will be granted, and the student and the RIC will agree to specific time frames for re-evaluation.
Satisfactory Progress: Students are evaluated at the mid-point of each class. At that time, if progress is insufficient and/or they have an attendance or tardiness problem or other conduct issues, the student will be notified by the instructor. The student may choose to retake the course later or withdraw and receive a refund of tuition as discussed in Refund Policy above.
**Course Evaluations: **
At the end of each class, students are provided with a link to the course evaluation. This is voluntary and feedback is anonymous. Our review committee reviews feedback quarterly for quality inspection and updates or training content and modality as needed. Maintenance of Student Records: Student academic records are maintained in the Learning Management System platform from which the student took the course. These records are available to the student at any time.
Additional records are maintained int the Master Electronic Training Database and include: Full Name, D.O.B., Address, Phone and Email Address given when the student takes the class. The database also records the student’s success status (P/F/W) for the course. Textbooks. RI Consulting will provide the required texts, workbook, or training materials as part of the total program cost.
Safe Environment: RIC provides a safe environment, free of sexual harassment, drug, and alcohol use, and is a smoke-free, drug-free, and weapons-free campus when presenting live-in-person. Persons found to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, may be asked to leave the training and meet with the administrative team before returning to class. More than one infraction of this policy may result in suspension from attending any trainings offered by the RIC.
Confidentiality: RIC Training courses are not behavioral health interventions or services. While confidentiality is discussed and agreed upon on day one of every training, RIC cannot guarantee confidentiality between students. Should a student have a challenge with confidentiality with another student, they may notify the instructor, in writing, who will then discuss resolution options for the student to take.
Graduation: The RIC values celebrations of success. After completion of each module a celebration ceremony is held to recognize this important achievement. Graduations are held for those completing the entire course work for any certificate program offered by RI International. Annual graduations, celebrating the successes of all RIC students will be held in the Winter Semester of each school year. Email and preferred communication. Email is the preferred method of contact between the RIC and students/applicants. Students are required to update RIC staff of any phone and/or email changes that may affect this communication. Students are expected to review their email account, on file with the RIC, daily for school communication.
Program or Course Cancellation. The RIC reserves the right to change or eliminate classes when:
- the number of students scheduled to start class is too small,
- at the sole discretion of the RIC,
- to justify continuations of the class, or
- when weather conditions are prohibitive.
The RIC reserves the right to change class schedules, revise or withdraw programs or make any change in training-related matters at any time, with or without notice.
Student Support Services: The RIC maintains a supportive and nurturing environment that provides a safe place for experimentation and practice for learning and personal growth. The RIC, pursuant to eligibility requirements, can assign other services for those needing extra support during their enrollment.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, RIC will make a reasonable attempt to support a person with a disability to take part in a program, service, or activity. RI Consulting will take other reasonable action that allows individuals to take part in and understand a program or activity, including making reasonable changes to an activity. If you believe that you will not be able to understand or take part in a program or activity because of your disability, please let us know your needs in the appropriate place on the application form before registering. Some supports may take time to arrange, and you will be contacted should we need to reschedule your training and allow us time to meet your request.
For our Certificate Course, Peer Employment Training (PET):
High School Diploma, GED, or an official and sealed copy of college transcripts, sent directly from former college admissions to RICC admissions, whether sent electronically or mailed and
Having the reading and writing skills needed to complete the academic work in training or the ability to utilize reasonable accommodations to do the same.
Complaints directed at an individual instructor or staff member must be discussed directly with the individual involved.
If one-on-one discussion fails to result in a satisfactory resolution, a written complaint must be submitted to the Director of Consulting and Education at RIConsulting.PET@riinternational.com.
If the Director of Consulting and Education cannot resolve the complaint to the student’s satisfaction, in writing within thirty days, the student has the right to appeal their case with the Director of Quality and Compliance at QualityManagement@riinternational.com. The Director of Quality and Compliance will have thirty days to provide the student with a written response to their appeal.
Any dispute between the student and the RIC (other than those regarding grades or other academic evaluations) not resolved with the Director of Quality and Compliance shall be submitted to binding arbitration in the city of Phoenix pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any award entered shall be final and binding.